Score that copy of Spare, plus a spare.
You have 30 days to get two months of Audible for free
The world's biggest and most-known audiobook subscription service is getting a little generous this month, with eligible customers able to score not one but two free months when they sign up for Audible.
That's double the length of the usual 30-day free trial that Amazon offers for the service. Even if you cancel before the trial ends and you pay for your first month as an Audible member, you'll still come away with two credits for the service.
These credits can be redeemed for any title on the service, including recent bestsellers like Spare by Prince Harry, Atomic Habits by James Clear and Never Finished by David Goggins. Regardless of what you pick and how long you stick with your Audible membership, you'll get to keep access to both.
In addition to the usual 1 credit per month, active Audible members also score access to the Plus Catalog, which includes 10,000 titles, and exclusive discounts on select audiobooks.
The only catch here is that only new Audible customers are eligible for the deal. If you're a lapsed or active Audible member, you can't take advantage of it.
This offer expires on March 21st, 2023. If you're keen, feel free to take advantage and sign up for Audible using the buttons above.
Got an appetite for audiobooks? Audible has plenty to offer
Not an audiobooks person? Audible might just be good enough to change that.