Once upon a time, gas would win hands down and this would be a very short paragraph. Alas, the cost of gas is rising in Australia means this is no longer the case. Recent data from Energy Made Easy shows that a low gas-usage heater is about the same cost to run as a mid-powered electric heater. So while it’s about 10c cheaper per MJ (Megajoule - the measurement unit for gas) than it is per average kW of electricity - gas heaters need a lot of energy and you’ll generally need to use more gas than electricity for the same effect.
The key to working out the running costs of your electric heater is in the wattage of your heater. The higher the wattage, the more electricity it needs to run, and the more expensive the ongoing costs are. For example, a 2000W heater will use 2.0kW of power per hour
To work out what it might cost you - recent energy price averages across Australia were around $0.14 per hour, per 1000W on a heater while it is switched on.
And finally - it’ll also come down to how large the space that you want to heat is. Gas heaters are better at warming whole houses, but if you have a small fan heater and you’re trying to heat a large home with it, you’ll find that you’ll eat up loads and loads of electricity,
A low MJ gas heater *might* be cheaper to run in the long term - especially if you live in a warmer climate - but generally speaking, an electric fan heater is probably going to be more cost-efficient to run if you only need to heat up a room or small space.
It’s worth noting that most heaters will have their own individual energy rating, both gas and electric, which could help you determine which one you purchase.