Tethering and hotspots are two ways to connect to the internet with a laptop, tablet, or other device that doesn’t have its own direct connection. Tethering and using a mobile hotspot are similar, but there are some important differences.
Tethering: This term is used when you connect one device that does have an internet connection (usually a smartphone) to a device that doesn’t have a connection. This can be done using Bluetooth, a USB cord, a Wi-Fi network, or other means.
Hotspots: A hotspot usually refers to a dedicated device that provides a mobile Wi-Fi network that one or more devices can connect to for internet access.
The lines between these terms can easily get blurred. People often talk about using “phones as hotspots.” Technically, what they are doing is tethering devices to their phone using Wi-Fi, which is different from having a dedicated hotspot device.
Now to decide which one is best for you.